Wednesday, September 7, 2016


A few views of the house and flowers.

You would never know it is a 10 room house that once had a flat roof.  It was remodeled into 4 upstairs bedrooms.  The large bush on the left is a very old lavender lilac bush.  The tree seen on the right is a butternut tree.

The blue morning glories are a favorite of mine and made beautiful photos. 

The morning glory vines climbed to the top of the windows and beyond.

Pansies are among my favorite flowers.

There were lots of wild black raspberry bushes growing in the back yard for several years.  The berries were delicious.
I planted many perennial flowers on the pool bank and rim.  This pink peony is one that blooms with beautiful flowers annually.

Another perfect bloom on the pink peony bush.

Morning glories happily grow by the house.

I enjoyed growing and photographing morning glories.

I looked for new varieties of morning glories each year. 

The first Heavenly Blue to blossom on this jungle of vines.  Many more followed.
Heavenly Blue morning glory.

Various morning glory varieties to make a beautiful show.

Another view.

A pink variegated morning glory.

Variegated blue beauty.
A miniature variety of morning glories.
I planted daffodils on the rim of the pool bank and they blossom annually.

A daffodil with the barn in the background before all the trees hid the barn.

A clump of daylilies on the pool rim blossom each summer.

More of my pansies.

A zinnia beauty.

Another zinnia.

Two zinnias.

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